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There are no constitutionally established timelimits for the completion of the formation process. As such, it usually depends on the process itself, which in some cases can be lengthy depending on the screening process for candidate, Ministers and preparation of the governing program.

During this process the coalition partners compare their manifestos and discuss the areas and issues they plan to work on together during the governing period. This information is then put in a Governing Program that serves as an execution manual for the new Ministers. During this period the coalition partners also select and agree on the candidate ministers who are then subjected to a screening process prior to their appointments.

This website is intended to show the progress of the cabinet formation and is made on behalf of the formateur. The formateur must lead the formation of the new cabinet in the right direction. The substantive, political discussions take place between the negotiators of the political parties led by the formateur. The formateur therefore does not make any announcements about the progress of the substantive discussions. At the end of the process, he or she presents a governing program.

The governor is the official representative of King Willem Alexander, who, according to our constitution, is the head of the government. Following an election, the governor appoints the formateur who then updates him on the progress of the formation of a new government. At the end of the formation process, the governor installs the new Council of Ministers by administering the oath of office and co-signs the decree together with the prime minister. This is the formal role of the governor in the formation of a new government.

During the final stages of the formation process, prospective ministers are selected. Since October 10th 2010, commonly referred to as 10-10-10, the National Ordinance Promotion of the Integrity of Ministers stipulates a new procedure for the appointment of ministers. Prior to their installation, candidate ministers are subject to a screening process. This screening process is an investigation to determine whether the candidate ministers have any undesirable secondary positions as well as commercial interests or other confidentiality obligations. The new prime minister appoints the ministers after which the governor administers the oath of office.

Each candidate minister goes through the screening process to ensure that he/she is suitable to govern. The screening process has three main trajectories. Factual research is done by the National Security Service, the Public Prosecutors office and the Tax department. Each candidate must provide detailed information about themselves and their immediate family members about their finances, taxes, secondary employment and other functions. Once successfully completed, a declaration of no objection will be issued to the candidate ministers. The screening is a confidential process and therefore details are never formally shared with the public. Reporting on the screening process is given to the governor and the prime minister and/or formateur.